DUTCH QUARTER–Dutch Quarter is another step closer to having a sewage treatment plant with the approval of European Union (EU) funding for the project. Prime Minister William Marlin announced the approval of the funding on Wednesday.
The next step, he said, is to public tender for the construction of the treatment plant. Bids are expected from local as well as overseas contractors for the project. Marlin said this is not unusual as the project is funded by the EU and has to be open to all qualifying contractors. He is “quite confident” not many outside contractors will apply for the work due to its specificities.
The signing of the construction contract should take place in early December. It is anticipated that the project will commence February 1, 2017.
The project includes improvement to A. Th. Illidge Road through the construction of a new gravity sewer collector and new pump station, construction of a sewer network, including house connections in communities, discharging of sewerage into the main sewer line to convey to the existing wastewater treatment plant, local upgrade of the drainage, and sidewalks, installation of street lights and fire hydrants.
On December 5, 2013, the EU Commission signed the financing agreement between St. Maarten and the EU Commission for the 10th European Development Fund (EDF). The 10th EDF will contribute 4.75 million euros. Government will contribute at least 1.4 million euros to the district upgrading project.
Source: Daily Herald
Dutch Quarter sewage project approved by EU
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