Dynamics clean up at track meet in Curacao

CAY HILL–Dynamics Sporting Club Foundation of St. Maarten won 46 medals at the 24th Annual Trupial -Auto City Classic in Curacao. The team competed in the three-day athletics event facing teams from Jamaica, Suriname, Trinidad, Aruba, St. Eustatius and host Curacao.

  Dynamics started strong winning gold in the first two events; the Under-9 4×60 and U-11 4×60. This was followed by third place in the U-13 4×100 relay.
In the U-11 4×200 St. Maarten dominated placing first and second. The athletes maintained their composure throughout the competition and managed to bring back home 20 gold, 15 silver, and 11 bronze medals.
“I am extremely proud of the athletes because they have displayed what they have learned throughout the season,” said coach Abdule Wattley.  “The athletes have shown dedication, commitment, and discipline and those ingredients are the pillars to their success.”
  The most outstanding male athlete for Dynamics was Carlos Brison age 7, and top female was Sebastiana Reyes age 8. Brison won four gold medals in the U-9 group. He was tops in 60m, 4x60m, 4×200 and 400m. Reyes in the U-9 earned three golds in Long Jump, 4×60-gold and Ball throw; one silver in 4×200 and a bronze in the 60m.
  Other medal winners included Omari Gumbs: U-9 boys
4x60m-gold, 4×200-silver ; Luke Brook: U-9 boys 4×200-silver, 1k bronze, Long Jump-bronze, ball throw-silver;  Kylan Peters: U-11 boys 4×60-gold, 4×200-gold;  Deshanney Gayle: U-11 Girls 4×60-gold, 4×200-gold, 1k-bronze;
Shaniqua Mitchelle: U-11 Girls 60m-silver, 4×60-gold, 4×200-gold;  Roshania Benjamin: U-13 Female 4×100-bronze, 2k-bronze;  Zanzi Brook: U-13 Female
4×100-bronze;  Chamiqueko Landefort: U-13 Boys 4×100-bronze, ball throw-gold, 60m-silver;  Kyle Lake: U-13 Boys 4×100-bronze and Daulton Samuels: U-18 400m-silver.
  Coach Wattley competed in the U-35 group and won two silver medals. One in javelin and one in discuss. He gave his medals to Annisha George and Nicalia Richardson as motivation for their hard work and effort they have displayed throughout the season and never gave up no matter what challenge they faced.
  Dynamics’ season will resume in September.

Source: Daily Herald
Dynamics clean up at track meet in Curacao