Edge ferry makes first stop on Statia

Passengers walking on Charles A. Woodley pier to board ferry “Edge” (right) on Thursday morning.


ST. EUSTATIUS–Travellers were lining up at Charles A. Woodley pier on Thursday morning waiting to board the ferry Edge that was expected to depart the harbour at 9:15am for St. Kitts.

  A total of 25 persons boarded the ferry to St. Kitts, with some of those returning the same evening while others stayed over an extra day.

  The ferry first left from Saba, then made a stop in St. Eustatius with the final stop being St. Kitts. Later that same day, Edge made the same route back from St. Kitts to Statia and Saba, before returning to Bobby’s Marina in St. Maarten.

  Persons on Statia were very happy with the ferry enabling them to travel to St. Kitts for business or pleasure on a regular ferry service for the first time in years.

  Blue Bell, captained by William “The Might Fats” Schmidt, travelled the channel between St. Kitts and Statia years ago to bring food to the island and cane stock when the weather was dry.

  Persons also travelled to St. Kitts to seek medical attention, as there are many doctors with a good reputation on the island.

  Now with the shortage of food coming from St. Maarten, persons have sought to obtain their food from St. Kitts.

  One passenger of Edge said the ride had been very smooth and that it saved both time and money. “I would be taking advantage of the service whenever possible in the future,” the passenger said.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/70126-edge-ferry-makes-first-stop-on-statia