Educational fables

Peridot Foundation President Gracita Arrindell recently presented copies of Gunter’s Fables to Sister Borgia Primary School in Philipsburg.

The books were donated to St. Maarten via Arrindell by Professor Gunter Pauli. Gunter’s Fables is a collection of stories about everyday life and how to make the world better. The easy-to-understand fables about the environment, health, science, arts, the ocean and animals were illustrated by Gunter’s spouse Katharina Bach. The fables are written in English, Dutch, Spanish, and French. Arrindell, a long-time volunteer reader at Sister Borgia, said it was natural to present the books here first. Each class received 10 books and a package for the teachers’ room. “We look forward to inviting Professor Pauli or Katharina to St. Maarten in May for the St. Martin book fair,” she said.

Source: The Daily Herald