POND ISLAND–National Alliance (NA) Member of Parliament Christophe Emmanuel has fired off a number of questions to the University of St. Martin (USM) board on the recent appointment of a Trinidad national to the post of Dean of Academics.
Emmanuel stated in his June 7 letter, which was also sent to the press, that his questions were “in no way to discredit the appointment of a Trini-native.”
However, he said the appointment did “leave one to ask questions” such as when the position was advertised, for how long and what media were used for the advertisement.
Emmanuel also wants to know from the USM board what were/are the criteria expected for the position as Dean of Academics and the number of locals who applied for the post. He asked the board whether it was true that persons had been interviewed for the post for two years and who were those interviewees.
Referring to the recent contract termination of a faculty member due to his not meeting requirements needed to lecture, according to USM, after he had lectured at the institution for some five years, Emmanuel questioned why this local had not been given the opportunity to obtain the required qualifications.
“If possessing a PhD was one of the requirements, how is it that she, a Trinidadian born, is given the opportunity to pursue/complete her PhD while functioning as Dean of Academics and this young man was dismissed?” Emmanuel asked in his letter.
He ended his letter by stating that Finance Minister Richard Gibson had called on the community to start putting locals first in top positions and had said if this did not occur by “evolution,” “revolution” could come.
“Board of the University of St. Martin, please keep in mind the ‘renaissance’ of the University of St. Martin that Dr. Francio Guadeloupe champions,” Emmanuel said.
Contacted about Emmanuel’s queries, USM President Guadeloupe said the Board of the University of St. Maarten Foundation had not received any formal request for information from Emmanuel about the hiring of the Dean of Academics or regarding the matter of hiring of locals.
“Once the MP has formally made his request, the Board will provide adequate answers,” Guadeloupe said.
Source: Daily Herald
Emmanuel questions posting of Trini as USM Dean of Academics
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