Energy-saving scheme Agir Plus presented to district council reps | THE DAILY HERALD

District Council representatives (on the right side) are given an explanation of EDF’s Agir Plus energy-saving scheme to pass on to the population.

MARIGOT–On the initiative of Second Vice-President of the Collectivité Bernadette Davis, responsible for the Living Environment and Ecological Transition, representatives of the district councils were invited to Hotel de la Collectivité on Wednesday, June 5, to present Electricité de France’s (EDF’s) Agir Plus scheme, which encourages professionals and private individuals to adopt a long-term energy-saving approach.

Businesses that have been awarded the Agir Plus label receive a government subsidy, which is passed on directly to the consumer, and they in turn get reimbursed. For example, the installation of an energy-saving air conditioner by a certified company can result in a 50% reduction in the price charged to the customer. The same applies to fans, hot water heaters and so forth.

Over the course of 2024, the Collectivité will be launching an information campaign on energy saving and efficiency, and on existing aid schemes, to support the population in their efforts to save energy and make the ecological transition.

“About 10 companies have joined the EDF programme, and the consumer, taking into consideration the government contribution, would only have to pay 500 euros for a 1,000-euro air conditioner completely installed as an example, purchased from one of those member companies,” Davis explained at the press conference. “The programme’s aim is to be more environmentally-conscious and to encourage the population to reduce their energy consumption. By 2030 we have to reduce our carbon footprint and these are some of the measures we are putting in place now to make sure this happens.

“Guadeloupe and Martinique have also launched the project, but we wanted to make sure that our local businesses and companies have the opportunity to be part of it.”

Source: The Daily Herald