Expired items at other wholesaler

WILLEMSTAD–The Inspectorate of Curaçao’s Ministry of Economic Development MEO on Friday visited wholesaler Dricoma which is located at Amerikanenkamp. Here they found fish, chicken and meats with expiration dates of 2008 to 2013. The team confiscated a pallet full of expired yoghurt (expiration dates of 2013) and 22,000 kilos of meats that will have to be checked by the Veterinary Service.   The controllers also went to another wholesale store, namely EWT at Bombardiersweg. Here they confiscated some cheese products. Seeing that cheese has its special process, a professional of the Public Health Department will continue inspecting these items.

  Here the team did not find anything else that was past its expiration date.   They also visited a mini market located on Andres Belloweg. The owners were immediately ordered to close down their store because they were not complying with price regulations regarding 22 products that are part of the so-called “basic goods” basket under government control.   It was actually the fourth time this happened and they had been warned by the authorities on each previous occasion. The inspections of MEO and the multi-disciplinary team will continue.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/66215-expired-items-at-other-wholesaler