POND ISLAND–The front desk of the Inspectorate of Taxes will have extended operation hours on May 30 and 31 from 7:30am to 4:00pm to give taxpayers extra time to file their income tax forms. The deadline to file 2017 income tax forms is May 31.
Taxpayers, who require additional time to file their tax form, can request a postponement at the Inspectorate no later than May 31. The postponement can be for a maximum of two months. A request for a postponement should be submitted at the front desk of the Inspectorate of Taxes in the Vineyard Building. Taxpayers can also submit requests via e-mail taxinfo@sintmaartengov.org
The Tax Administration said postponement requests must be properly motivated and substantiated with reason(s) why the tax forms cannot be submitted on time. The request must contain a copy of the taxpayer’s ID card, CRIB number, phone number and e-mail address to enable follow-up contact.
Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/76856-extended-hours-for-submitting-income-tax-forms-may-30-31
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