Festive spirits during Dominicano Independence Day celebrations Dominicano Independence Day celebrations show festive spirits

Participants during Sunday’s parade on Bush Road.

Different culture wears were displayed by parade participants.

A large group of Dominican Republic nationals were seen walking along the parade.

Young and old participated in the groups.


PHILIPSBURG–Semana Dominicana Foundation hosted the annual Dominican Republic Independence Day celebrations on Sunday. The day is officially recognised on February 27 to commemorate the nation’s declaration of independence. Corporate sponsor Motorworld Group of Companies supported the event.

The festivities included the main launch event at Son Latino followed by the annual parade, which featured Motorworld Group’s brand vehicles. The parade culminated with a festival on the ring road with an array of cultural foods, entertainment and camaraderie among the Dominicano community. 

Motorworld said in a press release on Sunday that it recognises the importance of cultural diversity on St. Maarten’s dual-nation island, which is home to several diverse nationalities. “We extend sincere congratulations to everyone celebrating Dominican Republic Independence,” said Motorworld Group Managing Director Tariq Amjad. 

In spite of several setbacks and various damage caused by the passing of Hurricane Irma last September, Foundation board members expressed their passion and commitment to ensuring that this annual celebration was organised in St. Maarten to showcase their cultural pride with a sense of unity. 

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/74303-festive-spirits-during-dominicano-independence-day-celebrations-dominicano-independence-day-celebrations-show-festive-spirits