Fire Dept. called out for car fire at Union Estate | THE DAILY HERALD

Firefighters extinguishing the burning vehicle in Union Estate.


ST. EUSTATIUS–The St. Eustatius Fire Department was called out on Sunday at 4:56am as a car was on fire in Union Estate.

A concerned resident of Union Estate and an off-duty fire fighter both called the fire department reporting that a car was on fire.

Upon arrival, the firefighters were confronted with a vehicle that was engulfed in flames, as well as a nearby scooter. The scooter had already started to melt from the heat of the flames when the firefighters arrived and proceeded to extinguish the engulfed car and scooter.

This was the first fire for 2019 that the fire department was called out too. The owner of the car stated that shortly after he arrived home he saw his car on fire.

The fire department closed 2018 with a fire at a business establishment in Lower Town on December 29. The department received a call around 6:00pm and firefighters arrived on the scene at 6:11.

Due to the firefighters’ quick response and action, they were able to contain the fire and prevent widespread damage to the establishment. The cause of the fire is still under investigation.

Source: The Daily Herald