First encounter | THE DAILY HERALD

St. Maarten’s new Plenipotentiary Minister in the Netherlands Jorien Wuite last Friday attended her very first Kingdom Council of Ministers meeting.

She formally introduced herself to the Dutch ministers and her counterparts representing Curaçao and Aruba. Wuite stressed the point of building strong and lasting partnerships to ensure positive outcomes and foster better communication and understanding between the kingdom partners. She further reiterated the need to receive all agendas and underlying documents of these meetings in a timelier manner, a sentiment which had been expressed by the two other plenipotentiary ministers as well.

This process, once adopted and instated, would allow for a more adequate preparation period for the meetings by the individual partners equally, according to a government release. “That would greatly assist in getting clearer understanding of the dossiers presented for deliberations at these meetings, as it would allow the Cabinet of the Minister Plenipotentiary to better translate the requirements and provide sound advice to the Council of Ministers on St. Maarten in general and to the prime minister in particular. This is of paramount importance in the process of proper representation for St. Maarten, especially during this critical stage in which the interests of St. Maarten are to be guarded and championed during the recovery period.”

Source: The Daily Herald