First-hand look | THE DAILY HERALD

Prime Minister Leona Romeo-Marlin and Ministers Cornelius de Weever, Stuart Johnson and Miklos Giterson visited National Institute for Professional Advancement (NIPA) on Wednesday. They learned about the progress of the training programmes and other developments, and did a walkthrough of the kitchen.

They also met Trinidad MIC Institute of Technology Macoya Workforce Development Centre Manager/NIPA instructor Deshaun David and NIPA board member Peggy-Ann Dros-Richardson. David told the ministers a welding programme is in the offing, but safety issues for students and instructors must be resolved.

Romeo-Marlin commended the NIPA board and instructors on the operation. “Out of chaos, there is an opportunity,” she said, adding that special technical vocational education programmes are increasingly important, as skilled workers are needed in the country’s post-Hurricane Irma rebuilding.

Source: The Daily Herald