First stone laid for four hangars in Green Valley | THE DAILY HERALD

Senator Guillaume Arnell, President of SEMSAMAR Yawo Nyuiadzi, SEMSAMAR Director General Marie-Paule Belenus-Romana and President Daniel Gibbs take part in the foundation stone ceremony for the hangars in Green Valley. (Photo Robert Luckock)

MARIGOT–President Daniel Gibbs, Second Vice-President and SEMSAMAR President Yawo Nyuiadzi and Senator Guillaume Arnell were present Thursday for the symbolic laying of the first stone for SEMSAMAR’s four industrial hangars, part of a large commercial development located in Green Valley, close to Grand Case Airport.

The 1.4-million-euro hangars will occupy 1,882 square metres of a total 52,000 square metres divided into 16 lots representing the first phase of the Green Valley development. The hangars are 165 square metres each and will be contained in one building of 744 square metres. Each comes with offices and restrooms and will be available for rent.

SEMSAMAR determined that constructing four hangars for commercial use would be a viable proposition for economic development of the area following studies done by AAA Architecture and Cabinet Qualistats.

President Daniel Gibbs concurred in his remarks that the timing was right for the development of Green Valley coinciding with the development of the airport and extension of the runway.

Director-General of SEMSAMAR Marie-Paule Bélénus-Romana and the main contractor Philippe Loche of Castel & Fromaget also talked briefly about the project which will be delivered in October 2019.

Green Valley is destined to have residential apartments constructed, a shopping complex, a cinema, and other commercial ventures, and a new Gendarmerie building. There will be parking for 200 cars. The entire project is estimated at a cost of between 13 to 14 million euros.

Source: The Daily Herald