MARIGOT–President Daniel Gibbs responded in a communiqué to the Sandy Ground protest on Wednesday, stating he spent almost an hour at the scene of the road block, talking to members of “Mouvement du Peuple Saint-Martinois” and listening to their demands, which he said concerned essentially reconstruction of houses directly on the ocean side.
“The blockade was indicative of the tense social climate we are experiencing, largely due to the consequences of Hurricane Irma and the despair that followed,” he reasoned.
Gibbs attended the meeting in the Préfecture,0. alongside Préfète Sylvie Feucher, Vice-Presidents Valérie Damaseau, Annick Pétrus and Steven Patrick, and the delegation from the Movement to discuss the points mentioned in their list of demands in a peaceful and interactive manner.
The Movement’s list of 30 points over five themes covered the whole of the French side, and not just Sandy Ground.
The themes included the housing crisis, reconstruction, economic recovery, purchasing power (lowering of prices on some commodities), access to employment and the future of the youth and education.
“The discussions were constructive, everyone had the opportunity to express themselves and I undertook to respond point-by-point to the demands that directly concern the Collectivité,” Gibbs explained. “I will therefore receive the representatives of the Movement in the first fortnight of January 2019 to make progress on these issues of major concern to our fellow citizens.
“In the afternoon, I attended a meeting in the Préfecture on a dispute between the Conservatoire du Littoral and a family that has been settled for more than 30 years in the public domain, near French Quarter. A court decision ordered the expulsion of this family on December 31, 2018. This particular situation is one of the more contentious issues mentioned in the Movement’s list.
“Family representatives were received by the Préfète, my Vice-Presidents, myself and our respective technicians. The objective of this exchange was to give the family the opportunity to explain their situation and find an amicable solution. An alternative solution related to a project carried out by Conservatoire du Littoral has been proposed. The authorities have undertaken to provide the family with information on this proposal so that they can study the project and respond to it.
“The Collectivité has decided to do everything in its power to try to find a satisfactory solution for this St. Martin family. The meeting is scheduled for early January 2019, this time in the presence of the Conservatoire du littoral and the Réserve Naturelle to make progress on this dispute. “
Gibbs said reconstruction and institutional reforms have made 2018 an exceptionally busy and complex year. He added he is aware that 2019 will have to be more focused on dialogue and implementation of the projects to enhance the living environment of the people of St. Martin.
“As the holidays approach, I would like to remind everyone of the importance of living together and encourage everyone to strengthen family and friendships. It is in unity and dialogue that we will be able to move forward on these sensitive issues,” he concluded.
Source: The Daily Herald
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