Govt. approves candidates GEBE board of directors | THE DAILY HERALD

PHILIPSBURG–The Council of Ministers “signed off” on the appointment of the new members of utilities company GEBE’s supervisory board of directors on Tuesday.

  Minister of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Development and Infrastructure VROMI Miklos Giterson declined to release the names of the new board members when asked on Wednesday.

  When asked about the matter, Prime Minister Leona Romeo-Marlin told reporters during the Council of Ministers press briefing Wednesday that the approval by the Council of Ministers is the final part of the process to appoint the board. “All that will be taking place next is a just a meeting so that everyone gets introduced to each other,” she said.

  The process to appoint a new board included the vetting of the candidates by the Corporate Governance Council, which “took some time.” Once this process had been completed, the Council of Ministers approved the candidates and “now it has been finalised and it’s just now for them to start having meetings,” Romeo-Marlin said, adding that a shareholder’s meeting has to be called to before this.

  The term of the former board had expired. In a letter dated May 30, Giterson thanked the former board members for their service to the company.

  It could not be ascertained whether GEBE has been operating without a supervisory board or whether the board members whose term has expired were still functioning pending the appointment of a new board.

  Board members whose term has expired are Bienvenido Richardson, Agnes Monte, Sandy Offringa, Patrice Gumbs, Oral Gibbes, Tadzio Bervoets and the late Roy Marlin.

Source: The Daily Herald