POND ISLAND–Government now has an additional NAf. 8 million in its coffers. That sum was recently transferred by Curaçao to St. Maarten and represents part of the country’s share of the Social Development Fund. Another NAf. 6 million transfer is still pending for St. Maarten.
The transferred sum and the remainder were not part of the general division of assets of the former Netherlands Antilles, said Finance Minister Richard Gibson Sr. at the Council of Ministers Press Briefing on Wednesday.
The NAf. 8 million was taken up in the 2017 Country Budget.
No timeline was given by the Minister of when the remainder will be received from the Curaçao Government.
Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/67624-govt-receives-naf-8m-from-social-fund-assets
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