POND ISLAND–“The government is still committed to a structured and permanent solution for the flying of the flag on the hill,” said Prime Minister Leona Romeo-Marlin on Wednesday.
The St. Maarten flag was hoisted by Voluntary Corps St. Maarten VKS on the morning of November 10, ahead of St. Martin/St. Maarten Day on November 11. It was lowered and removed on the afternoon of November 12 “to ensure that it does get tattered and torn as the previous flags,” said Romeo.
The massive flagstaff was erected right after Hurricane Irma by then-Minister Christophe Emmanuel as a symbol of hope and pride. However, the flags placed on the pole were quickly shredded by the heavy winds on Cole Bay Hill.
After much public outcry after each torn-up flag, government decided to leave the flagstaff empty until a more wind-resistant flag can be found.
Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/82671-govt-still-committed-to-solution-for-flag
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