Training graduates.
ANGUILLA–The University of the West Indies Open Campus, Anguilla, and the Ministry of Health and Social Development teamed up during the week of August 20 to hold a five-day training event designed to deliver participatory social learning and action techniques for community participation to a cross-section of community workers. The group was exposed to new community-based research training concepts through classroom presentations and exercises as well as through direct group work in four communities and two senior citizen’s homes.
At the Friday, August 24, graduation ceremony held at the Football Stadium’s Conference Room, it was very evident that the graduates were highly energised and positively influenced by the week-long training. Three students voluntary discussed their positive experiences and positive outcomes gained through the training and interaction with their fellow students.
Addressing the training graduates, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Social Development, Youth, Sports and Culture, Bonnie Richardson Lake said, “This has been a very long week filled with thought-provoking and meaningful material that will provide you with skills that you will be able to use in many settings. The decisions that we make in the workplace directly affect the community in which we live, and therefore it is extremely important to have their participation and buy-in. This training, which focuses on problem-solving collaboratively within diverse communities, will benefit everyone.” She singled out Hyacinth Bradley, Community Services Planner in Anguilla’s Ministry of Health and Social Development Office, for her herculean efforts to ensure the funding and execution of the training.
Prior to the official closing graduation ceremony, three students shared their stories of what they had learned and gained from the training. Student Roger wrapped up the training objectives, expectations and outcomes when he said, “When our group completed our community case-study, we were able to see how differing sections of the same community can view the same issue so differently. This is so much a part of what we are. We should include everyone in everything that we even think about doing because we all look at things very differently.”
Source: The Daily Herald
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