Graduation ceremony held for 67 of Gwendoline van Putten School | THE DAILY HERALD

Valedictorians of Gwendoline van Putten School’s HAVO class Z’Dijah Romney (left) and Rafiq Simmons (second left) giving their speeches as their fellow graduates look on.

Members in the audience at the graduation ceremony at Mike van Putten Youth Centre/Lion’s Den.

ST. EUSTATIUS–A graduation ceremony was held for 67 students of Gwendoline van Putten School (GvP) under the theme “Last Diamonds of the Dutch.” The graduates arrived at the ceremony held Thursday evening at Mike van Putten Youth Centre/Lion’s Den in a motorcade consisting of motorbikes, vehicles and various other modes of transportation, that were blowing their horns to announce the arrival of graduates.

The event was very well attended, with the arena becoming standing room only. Many of the graduates’ friends and family were beyond excited as they tried to snap mementoes of the graduates walking to accept their diplomas. Government Commissioner Mike Franco and Acting Government Commissioner Mervyn Stegers were among the guests at the ceremony.

There was a special performance by the GVP dancers, as well as speeches by school board president Christina Woodley-Charles, school principal Rosalie Edelstein-Lopes, pastor Vincia Celestine and motivational speaker Raimie Richardson. Acting Government Commissioner Stegers at one point in his speech serenaded the students with a few bars of the song “You Are So Beautiful,” made famous by Joe Cocker.

Some of the teachers who have been with the school for more than 20 years and those who are leaving St. Eustatius at the end of this school year were presented with a token of appreciation by students.

The teachers performed a skit in which they sang, danced and entertained their students. Some of these students interacted with them during the performance.

The valedictorians of the various classes are Ayana David (VMBO-T), Mairoly Marte Jorge (VMBO-K), Marshinique Murray (VMBO-B), Adrian Arndell (PRO) and Z’Dijah Romney and Rafiq Simmons (both HAVO). All valedictorians gave a speech.

Today, Monday, the graduation season will come to a close when GvP school’s MBO class will be holding their graduation ceremony. The event at Mike van Putten Centre is slated to start at 6:00pm.

Source: The Daily Herald