A model in traditional wear on stage during the evening to commemorate the 214th anniversary of the Haitian Flag.
MARIGOT–Association Les A organised an event at the Sandy Ground Cultural Center on May 18 to celebrate the 214th anniversary of the Haitian Flag. It was also an occasion to thank the partners of the association and in particular Changes Caraïbes and Hervé Dorvil for their donations and support. Congratulatory remarks to the Haitian community were expressed by President of the Collectivité Daniel Gibbs. There was an exhibition of paintings and crafts and local produce by Kalifood. The programme included songs, dances and poems, a fashion show and a history of the Haitian Flag recounted by journalist Jonas Toussaint. The bands Diez Konpa and Sexy Troubadour closed the commemorative evening.
Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/66217-haitian-community-celebrates-214th-anniversary-of-their-flag
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