Half a century of reverly | THE DAILY HERALD

St. Maarten Carnival Development Foundation (SCDF) reminds the public about their submissions of ideas for Carnival’s 50th Anniversary next year. SCDF also announced that the Carnival 50 logo and schedule will be launched soon. Carnival 2019, or “Carnival 50” as SCDF is calling it, “requires very early preparation considering the scale that the event will be,” SCDF said. Persons who have ideas about events, slogans, projects, activities, etc. for Carnival 50 should email sxmcarnival50@gmail.com before June 30. SCDF explained that submission of an idea does not mean it will automatically be included in the way the person who submitted it intended, but it could be incorporated in some form. “This is a voluntary effort for Carnival. There is no prize or such attached,” SCDF said this week.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/78086-half-a-century-of-reverly