Archaeologist Jay Haviser (right) with other Global Experts workshop delegates in Washington DC.
WASHINGTON, D.C.–Archaeologist and St. Maarten Archaeological Centre Simarc Director Jay Haviser recently participated in a limited invitation Global Experts workshop in Washington DC.
The workshop, organised by the World Bank and Society for American Archaeology, consisted of 20 professional cultural heritage experts from 16 countries, including China, Brazil, Philippines, Mexico, Australia, Nigeria, and Spain, to evaluate the World Bank’s new Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) Guidelines.
A number of participants were also representatives of regional international organisations. Haviser, for instance, is president of the International Association for Caribbean Archaeology (IACA). The presidents of the World Archaeological Congress and the European Archaeological Association ICHAM also were present.
The discussions were to evaluate the ESF guidelines, make comments for potential adjustments, and discuss how implementation measures can be facilitated via the World Bank compliance requirements.
It was further outlined in the workshop that update meetings will be needed for future evaluations of the ESF by this panel of global experts.
This World Bank Global Experts meeting took place in the same week St. Maarten Prime Minister Leona Romeo-Marlin and Finance Minister Mike Ferrier were also in Washington DC as witnesses to the signing of the agreement between the Dutch Government and the World Bank to create the Hurricane Irma-recovery trust fund for St. Maarten.
Source: The Daily Herald
White enslavers slept with black women. This does not make them BLM supporters. The torture and discrimination did not change. Nowadays there is much fake integration of white people on the Caribbean islands. They stay in their own networks. They may be married to a black woman, but the gated community is completely white, and so are their friends. Sometimes they even have armed guards against the dangers around them. Dogs are trained to bark when black people pass.
Just using the right words does not change the way these expats think about people of a different color of skin. For them it is just a few years in the sun. Backup in the United States or Europe is already arranged. They are not here to stay and build any part of society. Their only goals are profit, bringing the money out of the island and as much fun as possible, if necessary at the cost of the others.
Merely white trash that writes racist archaeology reports about how good the enslaved had it on this or that plantation. Some excuse black people for the photo and everything is academically okay.