Henk Kamp appointed Member on CFT, CAFT

THE HAGUE–The Kingdom Council of Ministers on Wednesday approved the appointment of former Minister Henk Kamp to sit on the Committee of Financial Supervision CFT of Curaçao and St. Maarten per July 1, 2018. Kamp will assume the position of member of the Aruba Committee of Financial Supervision CAFT on August 1.

Appointed upon proposal of the Dutch Government, Kamp will succeed the current member Sybilla Dekker. The Dutch Council of Ministers has already approved Kamp’s appointment to the CFT of Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba. He has been appointed for three years.

According to Dutch State Secretary of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Raymond Knops, who confirmed the Kamp’s appointment to the CFT and CAFT after Wednesday’s Kingdom Council of Ministers meeting, the decision was taken in consultation with the Dutch Caribbean countries Aruba, Curaçao and St. Maarten.

Knops remarked that Kamp has a long track record in the public administration. “He brings a lot of know-how. He has a wealth of experience working with the Dutch Caribbean as well as in the Netherlands. He fits the profile for this function very well,” he told reporters.

Kamp has been a Minister, a Municipal Councillor, Alderman, Member of the Provincial Council of Gelderland and a Member of the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament. He has served multiple times as Minister in cabinets of Jan-Peter Balkenende from 2002 until 2007 and Mark Rutte from 2010 until 2017. His most recent post was Minister of Economic Affairs.

For two years, from January 2009 to October 2010, he was Commissioner for Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba. Currently he is Chairman of the sector association of organisations in the field of nursing homes and district care Actiz. He will be combing this function with his membership of the CFT and CAFT, which is a part-time position.

Knops said that Kamp will have an important task, on behalf of the Netherlands, to help supervise the finances of the six islands. He noted that Aruba, Curaçao and St. Maarten all have financial problems. “The countries are facing serious challenges. The CFT is a very important instrument in maintaining tenable finances.”

CFT Chairman Raymond Gradus stated in a press release on Wednesday: “Henk Kamp is someone with great governmental experience and ample affinity with the Caribbean. With the departure of Sybilla Dekker a gap would have arisen, which fortunately was filled right away. Given the state of public finances in the countries which demand a lot of attention, I am delighted with the expertise that Henk brings in.”

Gradus showed great appreciation for the departing Sybilla Dekker, who been a member of the CFT for two periods since 2012. Dekker, a former Minister in the Balkenende II and III cabinet. “With the departure of Sybilla we bid farewell to a highly valued and committed member goodbye. She always had an eye for the Caribbean context and the governmental relationships within which financial supervision must operate,” he stated.

Some form of financial supervision on Aruba, which originally was supposed to cease by the end of this year, will have to remain, State Secretary Knops said on Wednesday. “Aruba’s financial situation is dramatic. The national debt has grown from 40 to 90 per cent in the past eight years and the budget shows a great deficit.” Knops said that consultations with the Aruba Government are ongoing to discuss the format of continued financial supervision.


Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/76442-henk-kamp-appointed-member-on-cft-caft