MARIGOT–With the tourism season starting, the Préfecture and services of the Collectivité are noticing that a large number of establishments, including hotels and commercial premises, have opened or re-opened without authorization.
All owners and commercial business persons are reminded that, in accordance with the code of construction and housing, the opening of any establishment open to the public is subject to a request for prior authorisation addressed to the President of the Collectivité.
Any re-opening of an establishment after a closure of at least 10 consecutive months is also subject to this obligation. The management of these institutions must therefore notify the Territorial Urban Planning Department of the Collectivité, specifying in particular the surface area and capacity of the establishment, type of activity and the nature of the work performed, to determine the documents necessary for the opening of their file.
The Collectivité will examine the requests, and if necessary, convene the security commission for a control inspection of the establishment and its facilities. It is reminded that any person who contravenes these regulations is liable to a fine applied as many times as there are days without a control visit, without authorisation or opening statement, i.e. a fine of 1,500 euros for each day opened.
Source: The Daily Herald
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