House of Assembly has full agenda for Friday | THE DAILY HERALD


ANGUILLA–At the House of Assembly meeting today, Friday, October 5, the elected representatives will be considering several bills, motions and questions. First on the agenda will be the swearing in of the new Attorney General Dwight Horsford.

The second and third readings for the Child Protection Act, the Status of Children and Parentage Testing Act, the Maintenance of Children Act and the Financial Services Commission Act will be discussed and voted on. There will also be the first reading for a Bill for Stamp Act and Aliens Land Holding Regulation Act.

Two motions will be put before the members. The first is approval of an overdraft facility for EC $20 million at the National Commercial Bank of Anguilla. The other motion is the compulsory acquisition by the government of land at Blowing Point for the construction of a new ferry terminal.

Leader of the Opposition, Palmavon Webster is to ask seven questions. These will address the number of persons currently eligible for the Retroactive Fast Track Scheme of the Anguilla Residency by Investment Programme (ARBIP) and the value of their investments as well as the part to be played by Latitude, the company the government has engaged to support and advise for the programme. Other questions to be posed are in connection with the next election, changes in the Constitution and the date for the next election. She will also ask the minister of education questions about policies regarding bullying in schools, the current literacy rate of students entering secondary school, and available scholarships

Source: The Daily Herald