Independence Day celebrated by Dominican Republic community | THE DAILY HERALD

Members of the Dominicano community before the start of the motorcade.

ST. EUSTATIUS–Dominican Republic nationals in St. Eustatius celebrated the 179th anniversary of their country’s independence on Monday, February 27.

  A motorcade was organised at the parking lot adjacent to Mike van Putten Youth Centre. Cars, trucks and scooters were all decorated in the colours of the Dominican Republic, with some having hood flag coverings.

  The motorcade counted more than 20 vehicles with drivers honking their vehicles’ horns and passengers cheering and waving flags.

  This was the 17th observance of the Dominican Republic’s Independence Day in Statia.

  The motorcade went from village to village. Afterwards, a large gathering was held at Wilhelmina Park where a party was held.

  The Dominicano community has adopted Wilhelmina Park over more than a decade.  During the Christmas season they decorate the park and hold a tree-lighting ceremony.

Source: The Daily Herald