Inspection Centre moves as a result of disagreement | THE DAILY HERALD

PHILIPSBURG–The Motor Vehicle Inspection Centre was closed on Tuesday after a disagreement between the owner and the manager of the centre. Motorists who had to utilise the centre met a closed door and were confused about the sudden closure.

  The centre takes care of inspecting vehicles on behalf of the government. However, government’s Inspection Department regulates the inspection. A number of frustrated motorists called and visited the Government Building demanding answers this week.

  Workers were seen assembling containers and preparing the new inspection structure on Thursday.

  The Daily Herald spoke to owner Etienne Meyers, who said he had decided to take back the centre and move it to the property next door, after a disagreement with his son-in-law who ran the centre.

  “The centre will be open for business starting this Tuesday. We are working nonstop to get the offices open, with most of the equipment already in place at the new location,” Meyers said. He apologized for the inconvenience caused by the move.

  Persons are advised to wait until Tuesday to have their vehicles inspected, as part of the requirement for getting the new 2019 number plates is to have the vehicle inspected by the inspection centre. Operations resume on Tuesday, January 22 at 8:00am.

Source: The Daily Herald