Jamaloodin’s team cries foul | THE DAILY HERALD


WILLEMSTAD–The defence team of former Curaçao Finance Minister George Jamaloodin, accused of orchestrating the paid murder of PS-leader Helmin Wiels six years ago, has launched a media offensive in the run-up to their client’s court case next year.

In a press release the lawyers state that important witnesses were never heard, like the police officers who worked as bodyguards for the then minister in 2012. They say that Jamaloodin never had contact with the already convicted paid killers and intermediary in the outspoken parliamentarian’s assassination.

The pre-trial session, of December 18, has been postponed because the attorneys did not yet have the entire case file.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/83603-jamaloodin-s-team-cries-foul