Jouvert Morning parade cut short after women injured in shooting | THE DAILY HERALD

MARIGOT–The Jouvert Morning parade was stopped by the Gendarmerie at around 5:30am after two women spectators were caught in the cross fire when gun shots rang out among onlookers involved in a fight towards the end of the procession at the Louis Vanterpool Stadium.

  According to the Gendarmerie an individual pulled out a handgun. On seeing this, the group where the fight had started, scattered. The individual fired two shots in the direction of the group. The shots however hit two women who were spectators in the procession and not involved in the fight.

  Fortunately, these victims, one aged 51 and the other 23, were only slightly injured and were taken to Marigot hospital. Following this event, and for safety reasons, the Gendarmerie stopped the parade and the participants dispersed without incident. As of midday the male shooter had not been arrested. The investigation is ongoing.

  President Louis Mussington reacted to the incident: “We cannot tolerate violence that endangers festival-goers and the public, some very young, who have come to enjoy the carnival. Carnival is a festive event that has been prepared for a long time by the organisers and their partners, in a spirit of conviviality and appreciation of our traditions.

  “Fortunately, the two victims are fine and that is the most important thing. Violence has no place in this type of event and nowhere else in the territory, even though we are working together to rebuild St. Martin and relaunch the destination. Security will be reinforced throughout the carnival festivities.

  “If there is the slightest incident, the police will be obliged to stop the event. I am therefore counting on everyone to ensure carnival takes place in the best possible conditions. Enjoy the Fête! Happy Bacchanal to one and all.”

Source: The Daily Herald