Julian Harrigan Memorial Scholarship 2018-2019 awarded to Codisha Webster | THE DAILY HERALD

Codisha Webster (centre) with UWI officials and Harrigan family representatives.

 ANGUILLA–Codisha Webster of Welches has been given the 2018-2019 Julian R. Harrigan Memorial Scholarship Award. The announcement was made at a special ceremony at the University of the West Indies (UWI) Open Campus Anguilla, on Monday, October 1. Webster, who is pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work, is the third recipient of the Award.

Committee Member and brother of the late Julian R. Harrigan, Carl Harrigan presented the Scholarship Certificate to Webster and applauded her for her academic excellence and commitment to social development. Speaking on behalf of the family, he said, “I am sure Julian would be proud of your achievements and we hope that you will make us even prouder by continuing to excel in your studies and in community service.”

Manager for the UWI Open Campus British Overseas Territories, Dr. Fleming-Banks offered congratulations on behalf of the campus and thanked committee members Stanley Reid, Verna Fahie, Rosena Brooks, Meredith Hodge-Connor and Carl Harrigan for their diligence in the selection of the 2018-2019 scholarship recipient.

In her response, Webster expressed her appreciation to the committee members, the staff of UWI Open Campus Anguilla, as well as her family and friends and all those who supported her on her journey. She also pledged to continue working hard to do justice to the Scholarship.

The Julian R. Harrigan Memorial Scholarship was established in 2016 by UWI Open Campus Anguilla and the UWI Alumni Association – Anguilla Chapter in honour of the late Julian R. Harrigan, who served as University Representative/Resident Tutor for some 18 years. A former Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Public Administration, he was also very involved in youth and social work, as well as the cultural life of the island. The Scholarship is intended to assist deserving students enrolled in the Social Sciences including Social Work, Youth Development and Public Administration Programmes at UWI Open Campus Anguilla. Recipients to date include Kareen Harrigan (2016-2017) and Jackie Harrigan (2017-2018).

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/81333-julian-harrigan-memorial-scholarship-2018-2019-awarded-to-codisha-webster