Kingdom auditors | THE DAILY HERALD

General Audit Chamber chairman Ronald Halman and Secretary-General Joane Dovale-Meit recently attended the first Conference of General Audit Chambers of the Kingdom, hosted in Curaçao by that country’s Audit Chamber in celebration of its 65th anniversary.

St. Maarten’s representatives made several presentations, including the introductory topic on the role, task, authorities and independence of audit institutions and on the subject of communication with a presentation on social media featuring a Facebook initiative launched in June 2017. The trend among audit institutions is to try to make information more accessible to the public.

The Netherlands Audit Chamber highlighted its initiatives for communicating with stakeholders. Representatives of the Audit Chambers of Aruba and the Netherlands also attended the three-day conference. The representatives of all four audit chambers addressed Members of Parliament, ministers and high councils of state of Curaçao at the reception. All audit chambers have expressed willingness to continue these informative meetings in the future.

Source: The Daily Herald