MARIGOT–The “five-star” restaurants Kon Tiki and Kakao are in the process of being rebuilt on Orient Beach and are set to open for the season in November 2018.
They follow the opening of Bikini Restaurant on July 15. According to company Sindextour, operator of the five-star restaurants, these three restaurants will conclude the rebuilding for this year. Waikiki and Coco will be rebuilt in 2019. The company was granted all five building permits by the Collectivité.
Sindextour representative Philippe Casaubon noted Kakao, which is being rebuilt on the site of the former Waikiki, is a little more advanced than Kon Tiki, but both should open around November 15 or earlier.
“The décor of the restaurants is the only thing that changes,” he pointed out. “Kon Tiki will be red, as it was before. Otherwise the concept of each restaurant remains the same: same size, seating for about 150, water sports, chairs and umbrellas. Like it was before Irma.”
In keeping with the new building regulations, the restaurants are being built much farther back from the water’s edge. Casaubon said coconut palms and sea grape trees will be planted later on in November to replace those destroyed.
Source: The Daily Herald
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