Labour Day to be celebrated May 2 | THE DAILY HERALD

Government Guesthouse Statia

ST. EUSTATIUS–This year’s Labour Day, which falls on a Sunday, will be celebrated on the next working day Monday, May 2.

  This is in accordance to the Labour Law (Arbeidswet 2000 BES). This means that most public offices and services will be closed on that day.

  If persons in the Caribbean Netherlands have to work May 2, they will be paid as if it were a public holiday. This applies to both the public and private sector.

  For questions regarding the rights and obligations of employers and employees regarding the celebration of Labour Day, May 2, contact the Labour Affairs Department National Office for the Caribbean Netherlands RCN-Social Affairs and Employment unit SZW via (+599) 715-8888 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Source: The Daily Herald