Landsloterij donates to non-profit organisations | THE DAILY HERALD

Landsloterij Director Angelo Guillermo, Depot Holder for St. Maarten Lynette de Weever and representatives of I Can Foundation, Youth Music Orchestra and Philipsburg Jubilee Library.

 PHILIPSBURG–Landsloterij Director Angelo Guillermo and Depot Holder of Landsloterij in St. Maarten, Lynette de Weever held an informal evening meeting at Bayside Restaurant recently and made a donation of US $500 each to three non-profit organisations.

  Recipients were I Can Foundation, National Institute of the Arts (NIA) Youth Orchestra and Philipsburg Jubilee Library.

  Landsloterij, in existence for more than 60 years on islands of the former Netherlands Antilles, and now the Dutch Caribbean, is the only authorized seller of lottery tickets the entire proceeds of which go to the community.

  Landsloterij also presented two Landsloterij players with a cheque NAf. 400 as “second-chance winners.”

  Guillermo, who is based in Curaçao, also made a presentation to the Depot Holder and Landsloterij resellers in St. Maarten on the latest developments of the company and future plans as it relates to the selling of Landsloterij tickets.

  The next drawing date will be January 1, 2020, when someone has the chance to become a millionaire in the million-guilder draw. Tickets cost NAf. 160 for a sheet. The last day to buy a ticket for this drawing will be December 31, at 10:00am.

Source: The Daily Herald