Leonard seeks meeting on sexual molestation cases | THE DAILY HERALD


PHILIPSBURG–Member of Parliament (MP) Tamara Leonard is seeking a Parliament meeting with Justice Minister Cornelius de Weever about tackling cases of sexual molestation and getting survivors assistance in recovery.

  Leonard, a member of United Democrats, said her request stems from numerous comments on social media about supposed cases of sexual molestation perpetuated against minors, who now have the courage to come forward to tell their stories, but through others.

  “It cannot be that these cases of molestation surface, we lament them for a few weeks and then we go about our business, forgetting what these persons went through and what they and others who are afraid to speak out are currently going through,” said Leonard in a press statement this week.

  Legislators cannot solve every issue with the stroke of a pen, she said, adding they should at least ensure that persons who find themselves in these situations receive assistance, an environment is created to protect survivors and to ensure as leaders to send a strong message rebuking such behaviour.”

  In her letter sent via Parliament to De Weever, Leonard requested the minister to outline the articles of the Penal Code that determine the punishment for such molestation crimes. She wants to also know his thoughts on ways to curb this behaviour and equipping related government departments with the tools necessary to deal with these matters.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/84901-leonard-seeks-meeting-on-sexual-molestation-cases