Librarian Lucia Haynes celebrates her retirement

Retiree Lucia Haynes holding a bouquet of flowers in the company of relatives, friends, staff and board members of Gertrude Judson Bicentennial Public Library during her retirement party on Tuesday morning.


ST. EUSTATIUS–A get-together was held Tuesday morning at Gertrude Judson Bicentennial Public Library for retiree Lucia Haynes, who has been working at the Library for the past 34 years.

  Together with Library board members and staff, family and friends, Haynes looked back on her long career. She first started working under the then Commissioner Neuman Pompier at the bungalows in Lodi. She then moved to Queen Beatrix Medical Centre for a short period. She started working at the Public Library of St. Eustatius in March 1983.

  She expressed her appreciation to the staff, who she has worked with for five days on a weekly basis. She thanked them for being a family and friend to her. “Even when I was not well, they were always there encouraging me not to give up.”

  Haynes’ colleague at the Library Patsy Blijden expressed her joy of having to work with Haynes.

  “God has blessed you. Even during your illness, you stood strong. May you have many happy years in your retirement,” said Blijden.

  Rosabel Blake and Jannifca Woodley also expressed their pleasure of having worked with Haynes. They described her as the “Walking Bible,” because no matter what was quoted no one could find the text in the Bible more quickly than her.

  Library board members Inez Shaw-Mars and Leonora Sneek-Gibbs expressed their gratitude to Haynes for her dedicated years of service to the Library. They presented Haynes with a bouquet of flowers and an envelope with content.

  Haynes son and daughter thanked everyone present for their contribution to their mother during her services to the facility. After the official ceremony, snacks and refreshments were served. A cake with the text “Happy Retirement” on it was also presented to Haynes.

Source: The Daily Herald