Lions Christmas Bingo set for this Saturday | THE DAILY HERALD

Past District Governor Lion Wally Havertong, the well-known Lions Christmas Bingo caller after whom the yearly fundraiser is named.

PHILIPSBURG–The St. Maarten Lions Club is finalising preparations for its biggest fundraiser, the annual Lion Wally Havertong Christmas Bingo Spectacular, which will be held at Festival Village in Philipsburg on Saturday, December 7, starting at 6:00pm.

Persons can obtain their bingo cards between 6:00 and 8:00pm. Ebony Steel Orchestra will provide entertainment between 7:00 and 8:00pm. The first bingo game will be called by Past District Governor Lion Wally Havertong, after whom the yearly fundraiser is named, at 8:00pm sharp.

“The evening promises to be very exciting for the public, with great prizes which are provided by the St. Maarten Lions Club. The club will call about 51 bingo games for ‘overloaded Christmas baskets’, various airline tickets, hotel vouchers, electronics and other consolation prizes, including hams and turkeys. The grand prize that the public will be playing for that evening in a full card is the ‘Santa’s Bag’, which is US $1,000 cash,” said St. Maarten Lions Club President Oralie Boirard.

According to the Lions Club, food and drinks will be on sale all night from various booth-holders in Festival Village.

The club encourages persons to buy their tickets as soon as possible. Tickets can be purchased at Big D’s Photo Studio, Van Dorp, the Lions Den in Sucker Garden, from any Lions Club member, or at Festival Village. Tickets cost NAf. 20 or US $10.

“All proceeds raised from the Lion Wally Havertong Christmas Bingo Spectacular will be used by the St. Maarten Lions Club for various worthwhile community projects in St. Maarten,” said the Lions Club in a press release.

The St. Maarten Lions Club will be celebrating its 49th anniversary on December 12.

Source: The Daily Herald