Daniella Jeffry
MARIGOT–Local St. Maarten icon Daniella Jeffry passed away in the United States on Wednesday after a period of illness.
Jeffry was an educator, writer, politician, translator and historian. News of her passing sent shockwaves throughout the community and sparked an outpouring of love from persons on social media.
In a message expressing condolences on her Facebook page, University of St. Martin (USM) President Antonio Carmona Baez said the work of this national historian, social theorist, linguist, translator and educator, will continue to influence those who believe in the preservation of national and regional consciousness, native bilingualism and self-determination for the people of St. Maarten/St. Martin.
He shared a reflection of what Jeffry wrote in April 2019 on the historical origins of social unrest played out in post-Hurricane Irma recovery.
In other messages on her Facebook page, Jeffry was described as “irreplaceable,” “an asset” and “marvellous, supportive, revolutionary, graceful and intelligent.”
Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/91624-local-icon-daniella-jeffry-passes-away-in-us-wed
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