Loud ’N Lovin It returns to the airwaves on My88.3FM | THE DAILY HERALD

The new generation of Loud ’N Lovin It: Lead host Madine “Dvnzo” Mussington (centre) Jenny Poulino (first left), Kiara Meyers (second from right), Haila Forde (far right), Kiana Blanc (far left rear) and Anughya Bijlani.


 PHILIPSBURG–Teen Times will re-launch its radio program “Loud ’N Lovin It” on My88.3FM at the end of January 2019.

My88.3FM Station Manager Mike Granger said on Thursday that the station is very proud to be giving the youth of St. Maarten a voice on radio, “in particular Teen Times, which, as everyone knows, is very close to my heart.”

Granger founded Teen Times in 1996. A short time later “Loud ’N Lovin It” debuted on Laser 101 and had a run of almost a decade. After its well-known hosts all left to further their studies abroad, Teen Times placed its focus back on its print publication and the emerging social media craze.

“There was no such thing as social media back then. Facebook didn’t exist. Now, with the creative ways the youth today can merge radio and social media, we think the time is right to give our youth back that popular voice on radio,” Granger said.

Teen Times has selected six of its current staff writers to be the hosts of the “new generation of Loud ’N Lovin It.” Lead host will be Madine “Dvnzo” Mussington and he will be joined by Jenny Poulino, Kiara Meyers, Haila Forde, Kiana Blanc and Anughya Bijlani.

Those six have big shoes to fill, as former Loud ’N Lovin hosts include former Member of Parliament (MP) Romain Laville, current MP Rolando Brison, radio personality Suppa Kid, current Teen Times coordinator Roosje Richardson-Rommy, current Head of Foreign Affairs Khalilah Peters, Argos Cement executive Keianna Liburd, Unified St. Maarten Connection (USC) founder Melissa Gumbs, Norisha Labega, Binta Marsdin, and a host of others who have gone on to great things in the community.

The only thing known so far about the new Loud ’N Lovin It is that it will feature modern music of all genres. The new crew is busy working out all segments that will comprise the show. It is scheduled to run once a week on My88. Those details will be announced at a later date.

Richardson-Rommy said the six new hosts are some of the most opinionated and eager Teen Times members and she has no doubt that they will excel on a show she was once part of.

“Radio gives us yet another opportunity to continue being the voice of St. Maarten’s youth. It’s direct and it can be creative. We will use all of our social media platforms with radio to educate, enlighten, empower and entertainment St. Maarten’s youth,” she said.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/83875-loud-n-lovin-it-returns-to-the-airwaves-on-my88-3fm