Marlin: Telethon ‘powerful sign of solidarity’ from Dutch people

POND ISLAND–Prime Minister William Marlin said government is “extremely grateful for the support of the people of the Netherlands.”

This support manifested itself in a day-long national event called “Nederland helpt Sint Maarten” telethon that raised 13.3 million euros. The funding is destined for those most impacted by the disastrous Hurricane Irma.

Together with the Red Cross and other expert organizations, priorities will be set on how to spend the to-be-received funds. “The support will provide essential materials, supplies and services to our community. It will aid the disaster relief efforts and support the good work of the relief organizations in helping to rebuild the country,” the Prime Minister stated.

“This funding will allow us to serve our community with the reconstruction and rebuilding that our country needs,” Marlin said. “With it, we can get the people of St. Maarten back into their homes and back to work.”

Source: The Daily Herald