Marlin updates on formation process

PHILIPSBURG–Prime Minister William Marlin was hoping to receive the final reports on some of the candidate ministers from the Prosecutor’s Office on Wednesday, to be able to complete his final report on the formation of the new government. The final report is for Governor Eugene Holiday.

Marlin told reporters at the Council of Ministers press briefing on Wednesday that the process has not concluded as he was still to receive the final reports on some candidate ministers.

Marlin said some candidate ministers had been missing information while some still had paperwork to receive from the Receiver’s Office. The paperwork could not be obtained in a timely manner due to the virus attack that resulted in the closure of the department. “These have caused the delay, but we still do not have the final report.”

He said reports were still to be received on four candidate ministers from one agency and on another four from another agency.

Once the outstanding reports are received, Marlin said the process will start to prepare a final report for Holiday to pave way for the swearing in of the new Council of Ministers.

Source: The Daily Herald