Marlin working on solving firemen’s burning issues | THE DAILY HERALD

PHILIPSBURG–Prime Minister Leona Romeo-Marlin confirmed this week that firefighters want their function book fixed and want more opportunities to upgrade their skills.

The firemen put down their tools on Monday and staged a brief protest action after management informed them that a long-time supervisor will be resigning. They gathered in front of the Government Administration Building and demanded an audience with the prime minister.

“The firemen felt that the person who intends to resign at the Fire Department was instrumental for them during the years and created opportunities for them to upgrade themselves. I did explain to them that government cannot force anyone to stay in their position, but I gave them my word that I will work on their function book and look at certification programmes for them,” stated Marlin on Thursday.

She intends to also use existing agreements with Curaçao and Aruba to assist with upgrading the firefighters.

The Fire Department has been facing challenges since the passing of Hurricane Irma last year. The lack of equipment is another concern of the firemen.

Source: The Daily Herald