‘Mars’ murder trial set for January 30 and 31 | THE DAILY HERALD

PHILIPSBURG–Court proceedings in the so-called “Mars” investigation involving the murders of Luis David Sarante Diaz and Erwin “Eggy” Rosario Contreras on December 5, 2016, continued Wednesday during a brief pro-forma hearing.

It was decided during the hearing that suspects Kathron Fortune, T.J.F. and K.K.K.S. will stand trial in this murder case on January 30 and 31, 2019. K.K.K.S. is considered an accomplice to murder.

The early-2019 trial will be preceded by a procedural hearing, which was scheduled Wednesday for November 7, 2018, the Judge, the Prosecutor and the legal defence agreed.
Sarante Diaz and Rosario Contreras were both murdered in a hotel room in Simpson Bay Resort and Marina at Pelican. Their remains were found in the waters of the Belair lagoon in August 2017, the Prosecutor’s Office believes.

Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) carried out intensive investigations into the mortal remains of the two men.

The Prosecutor’s Office will also build its case on evidence obtained by witness statements, house searches and expert investigations for instance into confiscated data carriers and cellular phones.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/80581-mars-murder-trial-set-for-january-30-and-31