Meeting on Integrity Chamber postponed

PHILIPSBURG–The continuation of the Central Committee meeting on the instruction to establish an Integrity Chamber, handed down to Government by the Kingdom Council of Ministers, was postponed on Wednesday morning, just hours before the session was slated to start at 2:00pm.

  The meeting was postponed on the request of General Affairs Minister/Prime Minister William Marlin. The correspondence sent to Members of Parliament (MPs) around 11:00am did not state a specific reason Marlin requested the postponement of the session that was adjourned on April 18 to allow him time to answer questions posted by MPs.

  After a delay of two years and much discussion, the Kingdom Council of Ministers decided on April 7 to give the St. Maarten Government an instruction, via a General Measure of the Kingdom Government (“Algemene Maatregel van Rijksbestuur” AMvRB), to establish the Integrity Chamber.

  Marlin, at that time, said his Government will make use of the possibility stated in the May 2015 protocol, in which St. Maarten and the Netherlands agreed to set up an Integrity Chamber, to file an appeal at the Council of State for the Kingdom in case of differences of interpretation on that same protocol.

   The proposal of Dutch Minister of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Ronald Plasterk, which the Kingdom Government adopted, was based on various older reports which, in the opinion of The Hague “show that corruption, bribery and nepotism took place in all layers of society, also within the political administration.”

Source: The Daily Herald