Métimer: Dream Yacht Charters and Moorings loyal to St. Martin | THE DAILY HERALD


MARIGOT–French-side marine trades association Métimer, in a wrap-up of its Paris Boat Show visit, indicated Moorings and Dream Yacht Charters have confirmed a resumption of bookings on their charter fleets for the 2019 and 2020 seasons despite a lack of berths.

  It added representatives of Federation of Nautical Industries FIN also plan to visit St. Martin in February 2019 to meet Collectivité officials, government services, tourism office, Chamber of Commerce and the Port, all of whom are connected in some capacity to the marine and yachting industry.

  Supported by FIN for its sailing school project, Métimer toured the stands of the nautical federations to announce the launch of this structure. FIN made a positive assessment of the Nautic Boat Show. Despite a reduction in attendance figures due to the yellow vest protests, exhibitors recorded several boat sales and a significant increase in boat rentals particularly in the Caribbean, proving the good health of water sports worldwide.

  Following the visit of Overseas Minister Annick Girardin to the St. Martin stand, it was the turn of President of the Chamber of Commerce Angèle Dormoy to pay a visit. Accompanied by Métimer President Bülent Gülay, she visited a charter catamaran and reviewed the water sports stands before meeting with FIN.  

  Gülay has been working with FIN since Hurricane Irma on the project to remove and deconstruct wrecks and abandoned boats. Also, the new edition of the Turquoise guide was given to visitors and charter companies, which also appreciated the “Turquoise guide” app on phones and tablets.

  Gülay visited the insurance companies present at the boat show to find out under what conditions mariners can insure their boats after Hurricane Irma. The answer was complicated; some companies remain loyal to their customers, but premiums have increased by in some cases between 30 and 200 per cent on their annual rate. Some companies refuse to insure fleets of boats, while others only offer civil liability and the removal of possible wrecks. However, the situation should become clearer at the beginning of next year with a review of the policy currently being pursued by insurance companies.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/83818-metimer-dream-yacht-charters-and-moorings-loyal-to-st-martin