Michelin star Chef Gilles Goujon will be Rotary guest at meeting | THE DAILY HERALD

MARIGOT–Rotary Club of St. Martin Nord will have renowned three-starred Michelin chef Gilles Goujon at its next statutory meeting at the Lycée’s restaurant in Concordia, on Thursday, January 17, at 7:45pm, Rotary St. Martin Nord Past President Jasmine Sally disclosed.

  A renowned chef in the world of French gastronomy, Goujon was the organiser of a charity gala dinner at Hotel Restaurant Les Castellets in the Var for 90 guests at 550 euros-a-person.

  He took the decision jointly with the three other three-starred chefs – Christophe Bacquié, Arnaud Donckele, and Dominique Lory – to donate all the proceeds of the dinner to Rotary St. Martin Nord for use in the reconstruction of the island after the passage of Hurricane Irma.

  Subsequently, Chef Goujon proposed to Rotary to use part of the proceeds for training in one of the various professions in St. Martin. It was in this context that Rotary St. Martin Nord signed an agreement with the professional high school of Marigot to finance professional cooking equipment necessary for the training of students up to the amount of 11,500.00 euros.

  Chef Goujon will meet the students from 6:30pm at the restaurant for discussion and exchanges. There will be presentations by the Lycée Principal, Principal of the Collège Mont des Accords, headmaster of the Emile Choisy School and Chef Goujon himself.

  Goujon is the owner of the restaurant L’Auberge du Vieux Puits (The Old Well Inn) in Fontjoncouse, Department of Aude, France.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/84475-michelin-star-chef-gilles-goujon-will-be-rotary-guest-at-meeting