Mid-Isle donates 75 uniforms to SJIB

Front row (from left): Club President Anjali Manek, Rotary District Governor Robert Leger and Rosa Leger. Back row (from left): Service Projects Chair Grace linger, Roland Richardson, Nailah Abdullah and Cynthia Filemon, and Rotarians Reena Manek and Louis Wever

PHILIPSBURG–Rotary Club of St. Maarten-Mid Isle donated 75 school uniforms to Stichting justitiele Inrichtingen Bovenwinden (SJIB) last week during the visit of Rotary District Governor Robert Leger and his wife Rosa.

These uniforms were given to pupils of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. School, Prins Willem-Alexander School, Marie Genevieve de Weever School, Oranje School, Sister Borgia Primary School and St. Maarten Vocational Training School.

In a press release on Thursday, Mid Isle said the SJIB Probation Department occupies a unique and central position in the St. Maarten justice structure. It is the only department that is in contact with the offender throughout the different stages of the criminal justice process.

The Department is the one justice system partner that regularly collaborates with all stakeholders as an offender moves through the system. To carry out its multiple responsibilities, the Department functions in partnership with the system’s diverse stakeholders, including law enforcement; the courts; prosecutors; defence attorneys; community-based organisations; mental health, drug and alcohol rehabilitators and other service providers; advocacy groups; the community; victims; and the probationer.

The objective is to contribute to a safer society by guiding and supporting clients to not commit any further offences. The Department uses its extensive knowledge and experience to advise the judge and the Prosecutor’s Office about the risks of recurrence of a client’s criminal behaviour, and to influence and change criminal and negative behaviour with the aim of preventing recurrences of criminal offences.

The Probation Department, like its counterparts, protects the community by providing sanctions, interventions, social guidance and services to adult offenders ordered onto probation or parole by the court, Prosecutor’s Office or Minister of Justice.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/73527-mid-isle-donates-75-uniforms-to-sjib