Minister aims to reopen schools October 2

PHILIPSBURG–Monday, October 2, is the date Minister of Education Culture Youth and Sports Affairs (ECYS) Silveria Jacobs hopes to reopen schools in the country.

“All efforts will be made to get all our students back to school as soon as possible. Schools, which are deemed ready before October 2, will start soon as they are able,” Jacobs said in a statement on Thursday.
Jacobs said in an effort to ensure the reopening of schools in a timely manner and the wellbeing of students and teachers, meetings have been held with the various school boards and the ministry. The damage of the various schools is being assessed.
She said the technical assessment of the schools has been done and the assessment of the wellbeing of teachers, management and staff is ongoing with the Ministry in collaboration with school boards. “A target date has been determined for the reopening of some of the schools. All students are a priority, however, the exam and pre-exam have been identified, as a critical group and school will resume on October 2, 2017. The other classes and groups will start then as well as long as the schools are deemed ready for such,” she said.
“Regaining a sense of normalcy will go a long way in helping to stabilize our communities, as well as give parents a sense of peace that their children are learning and well taken care of. However, the human component, namely wellbeing of our teachers, management, staff and students is a main priority before school can commence. Provisions are being made by Support Services divisions to provide the necessary care support to make a smooth as possible start a reality.”
Jacobs said all management, teaching and auxiliary staff have been invited to go to their schools in order to ascertain their status and needs and be able to plan moving forward.
Jacobs thanked stakeholders, who have put their personal lives and circumstances on hold to be able to assist in making the necessary strategic plans to be able to get students, teachers, management and staff back to school.

Source: The Daily Herald