Miss Mature Queen treats foster children to Thanksgiving dinner

Miss Mature Queen Norrisa Anatol with the children and owner of Hope Outreach Foster Home after the dinner.

PHILIPSBURG–Miss Mature Carnival Queen 2016 Norrisa Anatol treated the children and owner of Hope Outreach Foster Home to a delicious dinner on Thanksgiving Day, last week Thursday.

  “I have so much to be thankful for, and I chose to share my blessings with others,” Anatol stated on Monday.

  The home currently houses 18 children and is cared for by Antonia Hodge.

  The children were picked up at the home and driven to Carl and Son Lounge in Philipsburg. When they arrived, the room was fully decorated and contemporary music was being played. Anatol welcomed the children at the door and escorted them to their seats.

  Before serving dinner, Anatol conducted a reflection exercise during which the children were asked to express what they were thankful for. It was an emotional night as the children conveyed their deep appreciation for Hodge, whom they call Oma (Grandma), and their families. With the help of Team Rissa, the children were served baked chicken, turkey, macaroni pie, green salad, rice-and-peas and buns.

  The night ended with Anatol surprising Hodge with a beautiful birthday cake, while the children sang Happy Birthday.

  “I am truly blessed to be celebrating with all of my children. Miss Mature, your heart is pure and I appreciate you for treating us like royalty tonight, and know that your kind gesture will not go unnoticed,” Hodge said.

  “I would like to thank Team Rissa for assisting with the preparations, Kenrick Housen of Carl and Son for providing the lounge, Russell Bell of Elle Si Belle tours for transporting the children to and from dinner, Mark’s Place, Francisca Anatol, Leandra Joseph and Tony’s Air-condition for their contribution towards the Thanksgiving dinner items,” Anatol concluded.

Miss Mature Queen Norrisa Anatol and children enjoying their Thanksgiving dinner.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/61915-miss-mature-queen-treats-foster-children-to-thanksgiving-dinner