Monitoring SDGs

Three St. Maarten representatives – Loekie Morales of the Department of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, Sabrina Jno-Baptiste of the Department of Statistics (STAT) and Elmora Aventurin-Pantophlet of the Youth Department – attended a United Nations Children’s Fund UNICEF workshop on the Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey (MICS) in Barbados earlier this month.

The workshop with attendees from throughout the Caribbean dealt with the methodology used for gathering socio-economic and environmental data on women and children and for the monitoring of some of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) around the world. The local representatives will give presentations on the methodologies to ministers and secretaries-general and share the templates and other documentation with the ministries and departments to stimulate evidence-based policy-making. UNICEF Netherlands facilitated St. Maarten’s participation in the capacity-building programme by funding the travel and accommodation cost,

Source: The Daily Herald